Month: October 2014

Spectemur agendo

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about morals, ethics, and codes of conduct. It’s not a subject that people talk about much down the pub, is it? It has become an unspoken taboo among many educated people and IMO that’s because organised religions, governments, and other oppressive structures for a few thousand years (at least three and half thousand in these parts) have laid claim to morals via creeds, aka prescribed moral structures, in order to achieve their ends, which is not goodness, but detailed control of entire populations over generations. Who you can marry, what you can own, what songs you can sing, what food you can eat. Whether you sit or stand. Whether you give, when you give, what you give. What you can take. And none of this limitation has much to do with what really matters to people everywhere, which is shown in the urge to create harmony. This urge for harmonious living is actually paramount, and one of the least understood but most plainly obvious tendencies operating in humanity. We should I believe speak more of it, and not merely post it as a reactive force against perceived evils.

What matters is not our beliefs, not our morality (especially as dictated by church, school, political persuasion or new age variation of same) but our behaviour.

beliefs behaviour

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